Serving on a Ministry Team at Martha Bowman is how we help people encounter Christ as we gather to worship.
Administrative Support
Assist administrative offices with answering phones, accepting packages and greeting visitors. Mon – Thurs.
Tech Team
Assist in services for both Traditional and Contemporary Worship services with sound, lights, cameras, and live-stream broadcast.
Kids Ministry
Communicate the love of Christ to our kids through small groups, storytelling, worship, safety, and prayer. Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights.
Guest Services
Guest Service volunteers create a warm and welcoming environment each Sunday for both in-person and online worship. Volunteer opportunities include serving on the Greeting Team, the Parking Team, the Usher Team or the Online Greeting Team.
Traditional Worship
Share in the rich history of worship at Martha Bowman through joining the Chancel Choir, Wesley Ringers Handbell Choir or serving with the traditional music administrative needs.
Youth Ministry
Be an up-close and personal support, friend and champion to our youth as they navigate the tricky waters of loving and sharing Jesus in a fast-paced world. Small group leaders and Sunday school volunteers can do this on a regular and consistent basis.
Lift up the needs of God’s people in a real, intentional and spirit-led way. We have many different avenues on our Prayer Team to love and support God’s people and church through your ongoing and honest conversations with God on behalf of others.